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SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems

Table of Contents
Volume 4, Issue 3, pp. 459-781

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Continuation of Quasi-periodic Invariant Tori

Frank Schilder, Hinke M. Osinga, and Werner Vogt

pp. 459-488

Symmetric Heteroclinic Connections in the Michelson System: A Computer Assisted Proof

Daniel Wilczak

pp. 489-514

Symbolic Codes for Rotational Orbits

H. R. Dullin, J. D. Meiss, and D. G. Sterling

pp. 515-562

Ergodicity and the Numerical Simulation of Hamiltonian Systems

P. F. Tupper

pp. 563-587

Spiral Waves in Nonlocal Equations

Carlo R. Laing

pp. 588-606

Geometric Singular Perturbation Analysis of the Yamada Model

A. Huber and P. Szmolyan

pp. 607-648

Multibump, Blow-Up, Self-Similar Solutions of the Complex Ginzburg--Landau Equation

C. J. Budd, V. Rottschäfer, and J. F. Williams

pp. 649-678

Coupled Cell Model of Border Zone Arrhythmias

Bradford E. Peercy and James P. Keener

pp. 679-710

Projecting to a Slow Manifold: Singularly Perturbed Systems and Legacy Codes

C. W. Gear, T. J. Kaper, I. G. Kevrekidis, and A. Zagaris

pp. 711-732

Chaotic Pulses for Discrete Reaction Diffusion Systems

Yasumasa Nishiura, Daishin Ueyama, and Tatsuo Yanagita

pp. 733-754

Computation of Mixed Type Functional Differential Boundary Value Problems

Kate A. Abell, Christopher E. Elmer, A. R. Humphries, and Erik S. Van Vleck

pp. 755-781